Working Papers

Competitive Effects of Entry in Gasoline Markets
(with Lucas Davis and Enrique Seira)
Revise and resubmit at Journal of Industrial Economics. 2nd place in the Premio Citibanamex de Economía. EI Blog Post

Efficiency and Equity Effects of Electricity Metering: Evidence from Colombia

Electricity Pricing for the Energy Transition
(with Frank Wolak)

Reliability Options in Renewables-Dominated Electricity Markets
(with Frank Wolak)

Why Are Connection Charges So High? An Analysis of the Electricity Sector in Sub-Saharan Africa
(with Moussa Blimpo and Jevgenijs Steinbuks)

Published Papers

Fueling Alternatives: Gas Station Choice and the Implications for Electric Charging
(with Jackson Dorsey and Ashley Langer)
Forthcoming at American Economic Journal: Economic Policy.
Journal Website | Online Appendix | NBER Digest

Residential Electricity Consumption and Adaptation to Climate Change by Colombian Households
Economics of Disasters and Climate Change, Vol. 7, July 2023, 253–279.
Journal Website | IDB Working Paper

Retail Pricing in Colombia to Support the Efficient Deployment of Distributed Generation and Electric Stoves
(with Frank Wolak)
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Vol. 110, October 2021, 102541.
Journal Website | IDB Working Paper

Self-regulation vs state regulation: Evidence from cinema age restrictions
(with Ryan Lampe)
International Journal of Industrial Organization, Vol. 75, March 2021, 102708.
Journal Website

An Economic Perspective on Mexico’s Nascent Deregulation of Retail Petroleum Markets
(with Lucas Davis and Enrique Seira)
Economics of Energy & Environmental Policy, Vol. 8, No. 2, September 2019, 181-200.
Journal Website | EI Blog Post

Infrastructure Quality and the Subsidy Trap
American Economic Review, Vol. 105, No. 1, January 2015, 35-66.
Journal Website

Testing the convergence hypothesis: a new approach
(with Erkin Bairam)
Economics Letters, Vol. 64, 1999, 351-355.
Journal Website

Other Publications

Diagnosing the Causes of the Recent El Niño Event and Recommendations for Reform
(with Frank Wolak).

Book review: ‘The Economics of Electricity Markets: Theory and Policy’
Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. 52, No. 2, 554–5.

How Do Firms Exercise Unilateral Market Power? Evidence from a Bid-Based Wholesale Electricity Market
(with Frank Wolak)
In Manufacturing Markets: Legal, Political and Economic Dynamics, Eric Brousseau and Jean-Michel Glachant (eds), Cambridge University Press, 2014.

Merger Analysis in Restructured Electricity Supply Industries: The Proposed PSEG and Exelon Merger (2006)
(with Frank Wolak)
In The Antitrust Revolution: Economics, Competition and Policy, John E. Kwoka and Lawrence J. White (eds), Oxford University Press, 2009.

Older Working Papers

Crude Oil Price Differentials and Pipeline Infrastructure
NBER Working Paper.

Market Power in a Hydro-Dominated Wholesale Electricity Market
(with Frank Wolak).

Price Perceptions and Electricity Demand with Nonlinear Prices
(with Robyn Meeks).

Reliability, Appliance Choice, and Electricity Demand

Step on It: A New Approach to Improving Vehicle Fuel Economy
(with Ashley Langer).

Vertical Integration and Price Differentials in the U.S. Crude Oil Market
Public Utility Research Center Prize for the Best Paper in Regulatory Economics

Work in Progress

Avoiding tax on cars and its enviromental implications in Mexico
(with Pedro Liedo)

Financing the energy transition: Evidence from natural gas adoption

Market power in cost-based wholesale electricity markets: Evidence from Mexico